AlphaServer ES47 ES80 促销

  • 发布时间:2024-04-08 09:29:29,加入时间:2016年04月28日(距今2965天)
  • 地址:中国»湖北»鄂州:武汉市洪山区团结大道
  • 公司:武汉普锐斯特科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:董经理,手机:17786556940 电话:027-51837652 QQ:2955966506

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武汉普锐斯特科技有限公司 专业出售各种小型机 服务器 存储硬盘SCSI 接口 FC接口 SATA接口,一年质保,100%原装正品,含税含运,欢迎选购。

Systems require licenses for both OpenVMS and Tru64 UNIX operating systems, either for dual O/S boot of the entire system or for different operating

systems in separate hard partitions. One operating system license is included in the base system and the second is added as a line item. The second

operating system license upgrade would be added to the order using the following part numbers. Order appropriate media and documentation kits

from ES/GS Common Options - Step 11.

OpenVMS software upgrade for ES47 QB-63PAE-AK

Tru64 UNIX software upgrade for ES47 QB-595AK-AB

OpenVMS software upgrade for ES80 QB-63PAG-AC

Tru64 UNIX software upgrade for ES80 QB-595AM-AB

Only those SMP processors intended for use with the second operating system must be similarly licensed. Use the following license-only part numbers

to add an SMP license for any CPUs intended for use with the second operating system:

OpenVMS Alpha dual SMP license for ES47/ES80 QL-MT1A9-6S

Tru64 UNIX Alpha dual SMP license for ES47/ES80 QL-MT4A9-6S

The order of licensing is not important, but the following examples are similarly constructed for clarity. The configuration starts with a Tru64 UNIX

base system part number and the addition of OpenVMS licenses.

Example 1: 8-CPU ES80 system in which all processors are licensed for both OpenVMS and Tru64 UNIX:

Base system order would include one DA-80AAA-AA and four 3X-KN73A-AB dual CPU Building Blocks

Add one QB-63PAG-AC OpenVMS Software Upgrade and four QL-MT1A9-6S OpenVMS Alpha dual SMP licenses

Example 2: 8-CPU ES80 system in which all the processors are licensed for Tru64 UNIX and four processors are also licensed for OpenVMS:

Base system order would include one DA-80AAA-AA and four 3X-KN73A-AB dual CPU Building Blocks

Add one QB-63PAG-AC OpenVMS software upgrade and two QL-MT1A9-6S OpenVMS Alpha dual SMP licenses

User and capacity-based licenses would be added for the second operating system environment as though it were a standalone system.

Example 3: 8-CPU ES80 system in which four processors are licensed for Tru64 UNIX and four processors are also licensed for OpenVMS:

Base system order would include one DA-80AAA-AA and two 3X-KN73A-AB dual CPU Tru64 UNIX Building Blocks

Add one QB-63PAG-AC OpenVMS software upgrade and two 3X-KN73A-AC dual CPU OpenVMS Alpha Building Blocks

User and capacity-based licenses would be added for the second operating system environment as though it were a standalone system

AlphaServer ES47 ES80 促销


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