二手N4002A,收购噪声源 N4002A

  • 发布时间:2020-01-16 10:02:26,加入时间:2013年05月29日(距今4027天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市宝安区龙华新区东环一路天汇大厦D栋6楼D-6
  • 公司:深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:姚红娟,手机:18025363925 电话:0755-83598906 QQ:1946418560
二手N4002A,噪声源 N4002A 二手N4002A,噪声源 N4002A Agilent N4002A|SNS系列噪声源|安捷伦N4002A|噪声头|26.5GHz|ENR 15db 品牌:美国安捷伦 Agilent | 美国惠普 HP 描述 The SNS series N4002A noise source was designed to measure DUT noise figures reliable and accurately up to 30 dB from 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz. This noise source comes with an APC 3.5 connector as standard. 主要技术指标 * Electronic storage of Excess Noise Ratio (ENR) calibration data decreases the opportunity for user error * Automatic download of ENR data to the NFA speeds overall set-up time * Temperature compensation improves measurement accuracy leading to tighter specification of device performance * For complete details, reference the Product Overview * For additional specifications on this product, see the Operating Service Guide 联系人:姚小姐:电话 QQ: 廖先生 QQ:


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