5V小风扇 台湾原装建准小风扇 SUNON建准

  • 发布时间:2023-10-17 08:52:51,加入时间:2013年08月27日(距今3932天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»东莞:樟木头镇樟洋港洋工业区樟深大道23号C301
  • 公司:深圳市德胜兴科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:简妮,手机:18928278160 微信:Jennifer_zhaoyan 电话:0769-87191586 QQ:2207252109

参数 parameter 品牌 Brand :SUNON 型号 Model:ME40100V1-000C-A99 DC 5V 0.63W 需要了解详细信息和规格书,请联系店主 For detailed information and specifications, please contact the shopkeeper III. OTHER SPECIFIED TESTING The following is a general description of certain tests that are performed on representative SUNON fans. Nothing in this document is intended to suggest that these tests are performed on every model of SUNON fan. Moreover, the descriptions that follow each test are meant only to provide a general explanation of each test. If you would like a more detailed explanation as to any test identified in this Section, SUNON can provide such an explanation upon request. 1. DROP PROOF TEST Fans are packaged in a standard size shipping box and are dropped to the ground from certain heights and angles depending on the weight of the particular box. 2. HUMIDITY PROOF TEST The fan is operated for 96 continuous hours in an environment with humidity of 90% to 95% RH at 60°C ­ 2°C. 3. VIBRATION PROOF TEST Vibration with an amplitude 2mm and a frequency of 5-55-5hz is applied in all 3 directions (X,Y,Z), in cycles of 1 hour each, for a total vibration time of 3hours. 4. THERMAL CYCLING TEST The fan is operated in a testing chamber for 50 cycles. In each cycle, the temperature is gradually increased from -10°C to 70°C for 90 minutes, and subsequently operated at 70°C for 120 minutes. The temperature is then gradually decreased from 70°C to -10°C for 90 minutes, and subsequently operated at -10°C for 120 minutes. 5. SHOCK PROOF TEST 100G of force is applied in the 3 directions (X,Y, and Z) for 2 milliseconds each. 6. LIFE EXPECTANCY The “Life Expectancy” of SUNON fans is determined in SUNON’s reliability test laboratory by using temperature chambers. The “Life Expectancy” of this fan has not been evaluated for use in combination with any end application. Therefore, the Life Expectancy Test Reports (L10 and MTTF Report) that relate to this fan are only for reference.IV. CHARACTERISTIC DEFINITION The following is a general description of certain tests that are performed on representative SUNON fans in order to determine the specifications of the fan. Nothing in this document is intended to suggest that these tests are performed on every model of SUNON fan. Moreover, the descriptions that follow each test are meant only to provide a general explanation of each test. If you would like a more detailed explanation as to any test identified in this Section, SUNON can provide such an explanation upon request.


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