• 发布时间:2021-03-05 19:01:56,加入时间:2020年03月17日(距今1545天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»青岛:青岛市李仓区金水路753号7号楼3单元803户
  • 公司:青岛益泰鼎盛国际贸易有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:齐彩露,手机:13303392638 微信:h13633198921

ARCOS 625焊丝ERNICRMO-3焊丝NIFIL 625 is a solid MIG-filled wire of type S Ni 6625 / ER NiCrMo-3 depositing a transfer metal Ni-22Cr9Mo3.5Nb. Suitable for use with inert protective gases. It is used for welding alloys based on Cr-Mo-Nichel highly corrosion resistant, such as alloy 625, alloy 825 and similar alloys. Also suitable for  corrosion-resistant molybdenum steels e.g. 7%Mo, such as X1NiCrMoCuN25-20-7 and tenacity steels nickel. In sulphur-free atmospheres, the input metal does not have a shear in sulphur-free atmospheres. instead it can be used <500oC. Present thermal expansion coefficient between austenitic and ferritic steels, for which it is also suitable for joining austenitic (dissimilar) ferrite steels at operating temperatures; or Post-welding heat treatment >300oC. It is also used for steel plating. It's very resilient. tensocorrosion and vaiolation in the presence of phosphoric acid, organic acids, sea water and environmentspollutants. Cryogenic Tenacity Up to -196oC. At higher temperatures there is a limited carbon diffusion in the intake metal that avoids the presence of infrared carbides in the welding interface of dissimilar joints.


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