
  • 发布时间:2023-09-25 11:07:59,加入时间:2011年09月08日(距今4650天)
  • 地址:中国»北京»大兴:北京市大兴区旧宫西路
  • 公司:北京顺通时代贸易有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘工,手机:13241487939 电话:010-67984579 QQ:2398030184
Beijing Advanced Time Technology Co.,Ltd  is a professional agent
distribution for well-known brands automation products in the world, the full range of
products using for industrial control, our company since its inception, has been the spirit
of all for the sake of customers, to meet customers demand for the purpose, and actively
introducing and promoting advanced foreign brands in our various fields of application
for domestic customers to solve many domestic what is not convinient to order, and
worldwide customers who need good price to compete with local competetors,we offer
good products which are original new and with good price for you,we feed the
customers the emergency needs of the product, anxious customer anxious, customers'
need is to to be the purpose of our services, while providing our customers high-quality
programming and communication cable for well-known brands of PLC and touch
screens, solve the cost problem for customers, our company has a group of professional
sales in the industrial field, technical and engineering personnel, 90% of employees to
graduate from college and to provide quick and timely and efficient for the users a full
range of services and support. We hope we can have more opportunities for cooperation!
We now welcome the customers all over the world to contact us to compare the price
and products with your local side,then we believe we will have more and longer
coorperation from now on,and welcome to send inquiries to us,also welcome to Beijing
this famous city in China!
6SL3210-5CB08-4AA0 SINAMICS V80驱动器 
1FL4021-0AF21-0AA0 不带抱闸 伺服电机 
1FL4021-0AF21-0AB0 带抱闸 伺服电机 
6SL3210-5CB11-1AA0 SINAMICS V80驱动器 
1FL4032-0AF21-0AA0 不带抱闸 伺服电机
带抱闸 伺服电机 
6SL3210-5CB12-0AA0 SINAMICS V80驱动器 
1FL4033-0AF21-0AA0 不带抱闸 伺服电机 
1FL4033-0AF21-0AB0 带抱闸 伺服电机 
6SL3210-5CB13-7AA0 SINAMICS V80驱动器 
1FL4044-0AF21-0AA0 不带抱闸 伺服电机 
1FL4044-0AF21-0AB0 带抱闸 伺服电机 
西门子V80伺服 分为:100W  200W 400W 750W 4种规格 


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