A101S-RM A101S-RM

  • 发布时间:2020-03-11 20:37:27,加入时间:2016年11月25日(距今2746天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»嘉定:宝翔路560弄
  • 公司:上海译哲检测科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:户会哲,手机:18217180539 微信:hu931376481 电话:021-61670802 QQ:995932926


All styles are designed for use in rugged industrial environments Close acoustic impedance matching to most metals Can be used to test a wide variety of materials


Straight beam flaw detection and thickness gaging Detection and sizing of delaminations Material characterization and sound velocity measurements Inspection of plates, billets, bars, forgings, castings, extrusions, and a wide variety of other metallic and non-metallic components For continuous use on materials up to 122°F 50°C


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