
  • 发布时间:2017-02-24 11:10:13,加入时间:2016年05月12日(距今2944天)
  • 地址:中国»北京»通州:北京市通州区金桥科技园景盛南二街12号纳特园区
  • 公司:沃卡威(北京)生物技术有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:王涛,手机:13366468891 微信:wolcavi2020 电话:010-59446861 QQ:2858474229
别名: 3nm Dodecanethiol Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles, 5ml 十二烷基硫醇(Dodecanethiol)修饰金纳米粒子 研究领域: 免疫学 信号转导 详述 Composition: 1-dodecanethiol stabilized gold nanoparticles Core Size: 3nm (+/-1nm) Size CV: <20% Adsorption max: 510nm Quantity: 5ml Particles/ml: ~3.64E+15 Formulation: 1mg/ml in hexane Properties Cytodiagnostics organic soluble gold nanoparticles with a 1-dodecanethiol surface are precisely engineered using a unique proprietary protocol resulting in particles with superior size distribution and shape. These particles are supplied in hexane but can further transferred into a wide range of organic solvents, see table below. Storage Store product at room temperature away from direct light. When stored as specified the product is stable for at least 6 months. Dodecanethiol Gold Nanoparticles Solubility SKU Description Price Qty OG-3-1MG 3nm Dodecanethiol Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles (dried), 1mg 1mg of 3nm organic soluble gold nanoparticles stabilized with dodecanethiol. Supplied dried and can be solubilized in a wide range of organic solvents. OG-3-1ML 3nm Dodecanethiol Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles, 1ml 1ml of 3nm organic soluble gold nanoparticles stabilized with dodecanethiol. Supplied in hexane. OG-3-50MG 3nm Dodecanethiol Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles (dried), 50mg 50mg of 3nm organic soluble gold nanoparticles supplied in a dried format. Soluble in a wide range of organic solvents. OG-3-50ML 3nm Dodecanethiol Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles, 50ml 50ml of 3nm organic soluble gold nanoparticles stabilized with dodecanethiol. Supplied in hexane. OG-3-5MG 3nm Dodecanethiol Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles (dried), 5mg 5mg of 3nm organic soluble gold nanoparticles stabilized with dodecanethiol. Supplied dried and can be solubilized in a wide range of organic solvents. OG-3-5ML 3nm Dodecanethiol Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles, 5ml 5ml of 3nm organic soluble gold nanoparticles stabilized with dodecanethiol. Supplied in hexane. 储存与安全 储存: 4℃



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