HDSR150A污水曝气风机价格 曝气罗茨风机

  • 发布时间:2018-03-28 09:18:43,加入时间:2016年05月11日(距今2944天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»济南:章丘绣惠太平工业园
  • 公司:山东华东机械有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:张翠雪,手机:15726132153 微信:hdfj15726132153 QQ:2850867335


    Shandong Hua Dongfeng Machine Co., Ltd., located in the scenic city of Zhangqiu Hui Hui town Taiping Industrial park. The company was founded in 1980s, the enterprise development has led to modern scientific management mode, the introduction of technology excellence, with advanced production equipment and strict detection means, adhere to the "quality as the survival of the enterprise" business ideas as a prerequisite for winning the market, and won the praise of customers and a good social reputation, the company's products have passed ISO9001 international quality management system certification.



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