DuNouy Tensiometers

  • 发布时间:2024-05-31 09:53:07,加入时间:2011年01月14日(距今4887天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»宝山:上海市陆翔路111号绿地正大缤纷城1号楼707室
  • 公司:上海京度电子科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘先生,手机:13761079671 微信:Tonto-Lau 电话:021-34973735 QQ:1457361486


Direct reading—no calculations needed—circular scale allows direct reading in dyne/cm

Measure surface tension and interfacial tension in oils, detergents, serums, colloidal suspensions, chromium solutions and more

For closer control of process and product quality

Surface tension measurements can be reproduced within ±0.05 dyne/cm

Compact unit comes with carrying case for easy transport

Stable—unit is mounted on a cast tripod with leveling screws

Precision Tensiometer

Measures surface tension between a liquid and air

duNouy ring is placed below liquid surface

Ring is pulled upward and force is measured in dynes/cm

Interfacial Tensiometer

Measures surface tension at the boundary of two liquids

Force needed to break up through the surface of the higher density liquid or down through the boundary is interfacial surface tension

Order Info

Case dimensions, L x W X D: 10 x 10 x 14 in. ( ). Weight in case: 20 lb. 

DuNouy Tensiometers


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