
  • 发布时间:2024-06-03 08:59:21,加入时间:2016年09月02日(距今2834天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市科瑞芯电子有限公司
  • 公司:深圳市科瑞芯电子有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:文小姐,手机:13040802990 微信:wn2651542589 电话:0755-82170220 QQ:1391383547


    The AT5520A includes a high-performance boost  regulator, a V COM buffer (unity gain OPA), a V GH

charge pump driver, and a VGL charge pump driver   for active-matrix thin-film transistor (TFT) liquid-crystal

displays (LCDs).

The boost converter provides the regulated supply  voltage for the panel source driver ICs. The converter

is a high switching frequency (1.2MHz) current mode  regulator with an integrated 20V N-Channel 0.7Ω

MOSFET that allows the use of ultra-small inductors  and ceramic capacitors. It provides fast transient re-

 sponse to pulsed loading while achieving efficiency    over 90%. The device can produce output voltage as   high as 18V from an input as low as 2.8V.


2.5V to 5.5V Input Supply Range

Active-High Enable Control

1.2MHz Current-Mode Boost Regulator

Fast Transient Response to Pulse Load

±1% Accurate Output Voltage

Built-In 20V/1.8A, 0.7Ω Ω N-Channel MOSFET

High Efficiency up to 90%

Over-Current Protection

Output Under-Voltage Protection

High-Performance Operational Amplifier

±150mA Output Short-Circuit Current

12V/μs Slew Rate

12MHz, -3dB Bandwidth

Rail-to-Rail Input and Output

600kHz Negative Charge Pump Driver for V GL

600kHz Positive Charge Pump Driver for V GH

Power-On Sequence Control

Thermal-Overload Protection

TQFN3X3-16 Package



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