三菱 漏电微型断路器;BV-D 4P 40A 30

  • 发布时间:2020-07-10 00:00:00,加入时间:2017年04月01日(距今2581天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»东莞:东莞市莞城区元岭路国汇大厦320
  • 公司:东莞市恒轩机电有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:杨小琪,手机:18811829384 微信:yuqi20175 电话:0769-33215706 QQ:443297710

0MA N (CH)

其主要用途是: (1) 防止用电过程中的单相触电事故。 (2) 及时切断电气设备运行中的单相接地故障,防止因漏电引起的电气火灾事故。 (3) 防止由于电气设备和电气线路漏电引起的触电事故。 (4)随着人们生活水平的提高,家用电器的不断增加,在用电过程中,由于电气设备本身的缺陷、使用不当和安全技术措施不利而造成的人身触电和火灾事故,给生命和财产带来了不应有的损失,而漏电保护器的出现,对预防各类事故的发生,及时切断电源,保护设备和人身安全,提供了可靠而有效的技术手段。

Its main uses are: (1) to prevent single phase electric shock in power consumption. (2) timely cut off the single-phase grounding fault in the operation of electrical equipment and prevent electric fire accidents caused by electric leakage. (3) to prevent electric shock caused by leakage of electrical equipment and electrical lines. (4) with the improvement of people's living standards and the continuous increase of household appliances, the personal electric shock and fire accidents caused by the defects of the electrical equipment, improper use and unfavourable technical measures in the process of electricity use have brought undue loss to life and property, and the emergence of leakage protectors, and the prevention of each other. The occurrence of such accidents, timely cutting off power supply, protecting equipment and personal safety, has provided reliable and effective technical means.


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