三菱 塑壳断路器;NF400-CW 3P 350A

  • 发布时间:2020-07-10 00:00:00,加入时间:2017年04月01日(距今2582天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»东莞:东莞市莞城区元岭路国汇大厦320
  • 公司:东莞市恒轩机电有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:杨小琪,手机:18811829384 微信:yuqi20175 电话:0769-33215706 QQ:443297710


The difference between the leakage circuit breaker and the air switch is as follows:

漏电断路器(residual current circuit-breaker):电路中漏电电流超过预定值时能自动动作的开关。常用的漏电断路器分为电压型和电流型两类,而电流型又分为电磁型和电子型两种。 漏电断路器用于防止人身触电,应根据直接接触和间接接触两种触电防护的不同要求来选择。电压型漏电断路器用于变压器中性点不接地的低压电网。其特点是当人身触电时,零线对地出现一个比较高的电压,引起继电器动作,电源开关跳闸。电流型漏电断路器主要用于变压器中性点接地的低压配电系统。其特点是当人身触电时,由零序电流互感器检测出一个漏电电流,使继电器动作,电源开关断开。

Residual current circuit-breaker: a switch that can act automatically when leakage current exceeds a predetermined value in a circuit. Commonly used leakage circuit breakers are divided into two types, voltage type and current type, and the current type is divided into two types: electromagnetic type and electronic type. The leakage circuit breaker is used to prevent personal electric shock. It should be chosen according to the different requirements of direct contact and indirect contact with two kinds of electric shock protection. The voltage type leakage circuit breaker is used for low voltage power grid with neutral grounding points. The characteristic is that when the body is electrocuted, there is a relatively high voltage on the zero line to the ground, causing the relay to act and the power switch to trip. The current leakage circuit breaker is mainly used for low voltage distribution system with neutral grounding. It is characterized by a leakage current detected by a zero sequence current transformer when the body is electrocuted, so that the relay acts and the power switch is disconnected.


Air switch, also known as air circuit breaker, is a kind of circuit breaker. It is a switch which automatically disconnects as long as the current in the circuit exceeds the rated current. Air switch is a very important electrical appliance in low voltage distribution network and electric drive system. It has many functions of control and protection. In addition to the contact and breaking circuit, it can still protect the circuit or electrical equipment from short circuit, serious overload and undervoltage, and can also be used to start the motor infrequently.


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