
  • 发布时间:2018-06-09 15:14:27,加入时间:2018年01月21日(距今2323天)
  • 地址:中国»江苏»苏州:苏州工业园区星海广场
  • 公司:苏州工业园区沃尔得语言培训中心, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:杨青,手机:15051427927


  作为一名工程师的Wade说:I choose World to study English, because the philosophy of World is very well and I get much help from my teacher. When there is a will, there is a way. I believe I can learn English better in the future.

  热爱旅游的Amber说:I'm a student in World.After some period of time,I have improved not only in spoken but in artical comprehension.But I still need to study hard.

  同样身为工程师的jimmy以前对英语学习完全没有兴趣,工作的关系让他不得不来学习:I felt very confused and difficult to study English in the begining. However, I like English now, because World national English have gaven me a lot of help.

  之前在学习英语时常常出现失误的Collin,在苏州沃尔得国际英语的老师的帮助下,逐渐改去坏习惯:After I have learnt in world for six months , I corrected my bad habits. And my tutor gives my homework by Wechat every day, Before the lesson I make the oral test and keep having many classes . I have so many ways to improve my English.

  这样的例子还有很多,就像我们的学员Fenny说的一样:You can’t learn if you don’t try.选择沃尔得可能是你做的一个尝试,但是不尝试你如何知道不可能呢?




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