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  • 发布时间:2018-06-14 13:41:02,加入时间:2018年03月07日(距今2278天)
  • 地址:中国»重庆»江北:重庆市高新区新南里164号905
  • 公司:重庆千雅文化传播有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:李经理,手机:17723082935 微信:aizxyh

1.胎釉 民国时期瓷器胎质同明清时期比,相对疏松。瓷釉与胎骨结合不够紧密,釉面上出现气泡和脱釉现象。早期的民国瓷器有精粗之分,粗者胎釉结合部多泛黄,晚清瓷器大多没有这种特征,也比青瓷要显得紧密一些。

The porcelain quality of the 1. glaze during the Republic of China was relatively loose compared with that of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The enamel is not closely combined with the fetal bone, and bubbles and Deglazing appear on the glaze. In the early period, the porcelain of the Republic of China was pided into coarse and coarse parts. The coarse part of the porcelain glaze was mostly yellowed. Most of the porcelains in late Qing Dynasty did not have such characteristics, and they were much closer than celadon.
2 .工艺 民国初期瓷器手工业的生产方式开始明显由制瓷作坊向瓷业公司转型。民国时期瓷器制造逐渐完成了由传统的手工生产到现代机械化生产的转变。这时期机制瓷器普遍出现,使得器物造型更加统一并且规范化,但同时也显得呆板,这在一般商品化日用粗瓷器上表现得更为突出。瓷胎有明显的现代瓷质感,白度和硬度都相对较高。描金工艺是民国瓷的一大特色,主要在器口、壶嘴、瓶的双耳、瓷塑罗汉像、底款等实施描金。一部分描金瓷器销往海外。

2. in the early days of the Republic of China, the production mode of porcelain handicraft began to transform from porcelain making workshop to porcelain company. During the period of the Republic of China, porcelain manufacturing gradually completed the transformation from traditional manual production to modern mechanized production. In this period, the mechanism of porcelain is common, which makes the shape of the utensils more unified and standardized, but at the same time it is dull, which is more prominent in the general commercial daily use of coarse porcelain. Porcelain has a distinct sense of modern porcelain, with relatively high whiteness and hardness. Gold painting is a major feature of the Republic of China, mainly in the mouth, pot mouth, bottle ears, porcelain plastic Rohan, and so on. Part of the gold porcelain is sold abroad.
3 纹式 由于使用化学彩料,大多数产品色彩浮艳,以“洋蓝”绘画的青花更是普遍有飘浮的感觉。为省工力,日用粗瓷的绘画也常见偷工减料,更多采用了简笔画法。 除机械炼泥、制坯、成型外,民国制瓷工艺的变化是贴花纸的使用,大大提高瓷器生产力。民国瓷器以彩绘为主要装饰手法,彩绘内容丰富多彩,人物、花卉、山水、鸟兽、博古、吉祥图案等一应俱全,装饰图案也由过去的山水、人物、花卉图案,演变为一面是绘画,一面是诗词文字装饰。但画风和图案等均未脱清朝人的绘画特点。尽管如此,在图案内容方面还是有比较明显的时代特色。民国瓷器的特点主要是通过绘画而表现出来的。这主要反映在两个方面:流行于清代的吉祥寓意纹样依然很多见,但也出现了一些宣传时事和政治主张的内容。


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