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Quality Recommendation

  • 发布时间:2018-10-17 21:34:10,加入时间:2018年03月20日(距今2267天)
  • 地址:中国»福建»厦门:思明区宜兰路7号世纪大厦16楼
  • 公司:中渍厦门拍卖有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:赵经理,手机:13077831604 微信:XL802356

Trial coins are not used in the market. In fact, the Republic of China trial coin was a machine purchased from abroad at that time, because the first time to cast, silver into copper, copper cooling machine after casting, trial coin was then finished sample. It is a reference item for subsequent silver coins. The whole country has only a few pieces of print. There are more than ten links involved in the process of making and producing machine-made coins, from the design of ancestral molds and the duplication of tool molds, from the smelting of copper materials to the rolling of copper sheets, the making of copper cakes, shaking and washing, annealing, rolling and printing, and so on. The process of producing machine-made coins requires the close cooperation of different kinds of technical workers. It can be said that the production process of machine-made coins is an art. Product rendering process.

This group of two coins weighs about 38.8 grams. The copper coins were forged a hundred years ago. They have gone through several generations of inheritance and vicissitudes. The front side of the coin is designed with Yuan Shikai's left side in the middle. The top side is the back of "Three Years of the Republic of China". The center is the front side of the coin with Yuan Shikai's side portrait and issue date. The back side is made with Jiahe decoration and currency value. The outer ring of the coin is straight edge. Yuan Datou's ordinary coin symbolizes the idea of "democracy, republicanism, constitutionalism and constitutional monarchy". The pattern of Jiahe on the back implies that the state attaches great importance to agriculture and mulberry and takes people's livelihood as the foundation; the other idea takes the homonym of family harmony and implies the meaning of home and prosperity. "Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver dollar in the monetary collection circle. It is the most popular and influential silver dollar variety among the nearly one thousand kinds of modern silver coins in China, and it is also an important role in the monetary reform of modern China. It has high historical and cultural research value.


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