
  • 发布时间:2019-11-04 08:46:36,加入时间:2018年03月06日(距今2280天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»临沂:临沂经济开发区昆明路与厦门路交汇处西100米
  • 公司:山东立仓物流设备有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:李经理,手机:18263900978 微信:wx18263900978 QQ:894247162




Steel pallet (steel pallet) is an ideal replacement for traditional wooden pallet and plastic pallet.

Steel trays are mainly used for multi-purpose storage on the ground, shelf storage and combined transport of goods, turnover and other ultralight metal pallets series.A horizontal platform device for assembling, stacking, transporting and transporting unit loads.Is now one of the important industrial storage and transportation ancillary equipment.

Steel trays are mainly made of steel or galvanized steel sheet, which are formed by special equipment, supported by various profiles, reinforced by rivets, and welded by CO2 gas protection welding.









Advantages of metal pallets:

1. The carrying capacity is the strongest in the tray.

2. Steel tray is 100% environmentally friendly, and can be recycled and reused without waste of resources.

3. Steel pallet surface shall be anti-skid treatment, and surrounding shall be edge treatment.Tray chassis solid, the overall quality of light and strong steel, with stable packaging performance;

4. Steel tray is waterproof, moisture-proof and rust-proof;Compared with wooden pallet, it has environmental advantages (such as wood pallet capacity breeding insect pests).

5. Compared with plastic tray, it has advantages of strength, wear resistance, temperature resistance and price.

6. Especially for export, the steel tray does not need fumigation, high-temperature disinfection or anti-corrosion treatment, which is in accordance with international environmental protection laws and regulations;

7. Flexible use of steel pallets (four-direction insert design can virtually improve the convenience of space utilization and operation, and its solid base plate design is also in line with assembly line and automatic packaging system).


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