
  • 发布时间:2019-07-30 14:30:19,加入时间:2018年03月06日(距今2279天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»临沂:临沂经济开发区昆明路与厦门路交汇处西100米
  • 公司:山东立仓物流设备有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:李经理,手机:18263900978 微信:wx18263900978 QQ:894247162


Metal tray according to the standard size of international standard ISO6780 series design, standardization and generalization, suitable for different countries all kinds of transport mode, especially as it overcomes the weakness of nonmetallic material is easy to be affected with damp be affected with damp metamorphic deformation, suitable for export products by air and ocean transportation, electronics, food, medicine, chemical products storage and transportation.Pallets (also known as pallets) play an important role in modern warehousing and transportation, and their materials are generally divided into wood, plastic, paper, metal, plywood and so on.

Steel trays are also called metal trays or steel trays


A pallet is a horizontal platform device for assembling, stacking, transporting and transporting goods and products as unit loads.It is usually made of wood, metal and fiberboard, which is convenient for loading, unloading, and carrying unit supplies and small quantities of supplies.Pallets are mainly made of wood, plastic, metal and other materials.Wood is now the most widely used because it is cheap and strong.Plastic pallets are more expensive and less heavy, but with the development of plastic pallets manufacturing process, some high-load plastic pallets have emerged and are slowly replacing wooden pallets.The metal pallet is strong and durable.


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