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  • 发布时间:2019-08-27 10:27:53,加入时间:2018年04月18日(距今2237天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»广州:广州市大德路318号金艺商务大厦
  • 公司:广州志通货代公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:于生,手机:18316662348 微信:zhitong-yb 电话:020-83358886-809 QQ:2259384749

,拼箱货物中国南方珠三角、长三角始发,整柜货物中国全国皆可操作,目的国各个港口均有我司全资清关公司及派送车队,实力雄厚,价格实惠且稳定,双清到门找我们就是对的,欢迎随时来电咨询洽谈问价,财富热线 .

Pair clear to door line, southeast Asia dragon express line LCL cargo departure from the pearl river delta, Yangtze river delta in southern China, FCL cargo are operational, around China destination ports are wholly owned clearance and delivery team, our company strength is abundant, affordable and stable, pair clear to the door to find we are right, welcome to inquire negotiate ask price, wealth hotline at8 


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