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  • 发布时间:2018-12-15 21:12:22,加入时间:2018年04月26日(距今2229天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙岗区布吉街道广场路中安大厦16楼
  • 公司:深圳市赢领艺术品展览服务有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:邓总,手机:15128647051 微信:W5288E QQ:1512831143


The ordinary late Tang Kaiyuan was cast in Tang Xianzong after the Yuan Dynasty and the reign of the Emperor, and it lasted until the death of the Tang Dynasty. It follows the characteristics of Kaiyuan in the Middle Tang Dynasty. In terms of texture, this kind of copper material used in Kaiyuan Tongbao is very miscellaneous. It is not clear what kind of copper alloy it is. The copper is blackened, low in purity and high in iron content, and can be attracted by magnets individually. From the physical point of view, the quality is relatively small and generally does not exceed 4g. Money diameter is between 23 mm and 24 mm .. Founders are sloppy and most of them are not well - contoured, which is generally not as elegant as the Kaiyuan of the Middle Tang Dynasty. Many should belong to private casting. From Qian Wen's point of view, Qian Wen's strokes on the front are slim, consistent with Qian Wen's in the middle and late Tang dynasties, but the handwriting is fuzzy. On the palindrome, there are many small moon marks, opposite moon marks, multiple moon marks and pregnant star marks, as well as the combined palindromic marks. They are generally rough in workmanship, some of which are difficult to identify even Qian Wen.






Listen to the sound
Kaiyuan Tongbao, especially in the early Tang Dynasty, is exquisite in materials and workmanship, and its internal composition will change due to its long history. The copper was oxidized to remove all internal heat. Throw the real coin on the ground, it is crisp, loud, elastic and has a low voice, which proves that there is a crack inside.

Many of the authentic Kaiyuan Tongbao are canned hoards with pure soil flavor, while the rust color of the fake comes from rapid chemical reactions and often has pungent odor.

probe method
Try to pick out the sewing needle for Kaiyuan Tongbao in Shengkeng with the sewing needle pressed down vertically. After letting go, the sewing needle on the genuine Kaiyuan Tongbao will fall, while the fake product will often be elastic due to the rust it makes and the needle will not fall


Comparative density
Density is a property of matter. It can take the same mass or volume as several Kaiyuan Tongbao. The original Kaiyuan Tongbao has the same volume under the same mass. However, under the condition of the same mass, the volume of the fake product is larger than that of the same substance. Under the condition of the same volume, the mass is smaller than that of the same substance. If they are of different mass and volume and are of the same substance, then their density is calculated and compared. If the density is the same or close to that of the same substance, it is genuine, but if the density is smaller than that of the same substance, it is fake.


Identification technique
Attention should be paid to the identification of Huichang Kaiyuan. According to historical records, there are 23 kinds of Kaiyuan in Huichang, which is a special kind of Kaiyuan money stamped with the place names of each state's money bureaus when they cast money. This type of Kaiyuan Tongbao coin is very random and irregular. Among them, special attention was paid to the coin cast by Yangzhou Bureau to commemorate Huichang's destruction of Buddha, with " Chang" instead of " Yang" on the back. If it is found that the writing is beautiful and standard, or if it has " Yang" on its back, it will be regarded as a pseudo - ancient. In addition, just keep the coins in a box bag. The Qian Wen should be downward or built in to prevent abrasion.


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