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光绪元宝四川省造 当三十

  • 发布时间:2019-01-17 09:42:00,加入时间:2015年08月11日(距今3219天)
  • 地址:中国»福建»厦门:思明区厦禾路
  • 公司:厦门伯得富展览服务有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:李小七,手机:18650013905 微信:Svan1126

光绪元宝 四川省造 当三十


The front of the coin in this collection is inscribed with Chinese characters " Guangxu Yuanbao" in the bead circle, with " Made in Guangxi Province" on the top outside the circle, and " Every coin should be made into 100 characters" on the bottom. On the back of the coin is engraved a dragon, on the top of which is inscribed in English, and on the left and right sides is inscribed a star with six flowers. The overall workmanship is exquisite, the carver is perfect, the relief feeling is strong, and the lines of the decorations are very clear and worthy of collection.

此枚四川省造光绪元宝钱面:中央一花星外铸“光绪元宝”及珠圈,上缘铸“四川省造”,下缘铸“当三十”,左右两侧铸满文“宝源”;钱背:中间为龙图(俗称“水龙”),上缘铸英文纪地“四川”,下缘铸纪值文字,分别为阿拉伯数字“3 0”及英文货币单位“文”,左右两侧各铸一花星,俗称“十字星”。铜币所有字面、图案表面均依势圆润凸起、错落有致,有立体雕塑之感。文字间架结构大气磅礴,犹如墨迹正在饱满之时,令文人叹为观止!祥云蟠龙前后有别,形似腾跃之际,使观者立感龙威无边!满文书法根基牢固、运笔自如、浑厚有力,深受中文行书书法精髓导引,颇具皇家风范。

This coin was made in Sichuan Province with the name " Guangxu Yuanbao" and beads cast outside a flower star in the center, " Made in Sichuan Province" on the upper edge, " Dang 30" on the lower edge and " Bao Yuan" in Manchu on the left and right sides. Qian Bei: dragon figure ( commonly known as " dragon" in the middle ), English age " Sichuan" on the upper edge, Arabic numeral " 30" and English currency unit " Wen" on the lower edge, and a flower star on the left and right sides, commonly known as " cross star". All the literal and patterned surfaces of copper coins are round and convex, strewn at random and have the feeling of three-dimensional sculpture. The structure of the character frame is majestic, like when the ink is full, which makes the literati marvel! The auspicious clouds and dragons are different from each other before and after. When they look like leaps and bounds, they make the viewer feel like a dragon without limits. The Manchu calligraphy has a solid foundation, is easy to handle and powerful, is deeply guided by the essence of Chinese calligraphy, and has a royal style.


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