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英国SOL 温感探测工具

  • 发布时间:2019-12-05 16:25:36,加入时间:2018年11月14日(距今2027天)
  • 地址:中国»福建»厦门:泰地海西B座1507
  • 公司:天厦(厦门)国际贸易有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:孙经理,手机:18050107813 微信:s19942709374 QQ:3257170892

  英国SOL温感探测工具 详细解读


  Fire brigade support On top of the Order comes the recently launched Model Agreement for Remotely Monitored Fire Systems from the Chief Fire Officers’ Association. This document recognises that false alarms now represent 25% of all calls to the Fire and Rescue Service and aims to reduce both the quantity and impact of them. A cornerstone of achieving this is the generation of a register of unique reference numbers (URNs) for fire systems and a requirement that (only) third  accredited competent persons or companies carry out installation and maintenance of them. Similar to the experience of the security industry and the police, this will be followed by the introduction of different response and attendance levels dependent on past history (as well as a risk-based approach). The different levels range from an immediate response to no response from automatic calls unless confirmed by a 999 call. The policy will be gradually implemented over a three year period from April 2005 to enable systems and management strategies to be brought up to the required standards .

  英国SOL温感探测工具 详细解读


  英国SOL温感探测工具 详细解读

  Toxicity Even worse, some aerosol test products have been known to contain toxic chemicals that can potentially damage the user who is testing the detectors! Potentially toxic chemicals such as phthalate esters, (which are suspected carcinogens) and / or teratogens (capable of causing birth defects or testicular damage) have been found in aerosol smoke test products available in the world today. Users should check the manufacturers Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the product to ensure that it is fit for purpose and, if in any doubt, ask specific questions of the manufacturer.


  Approvals Approvals come in many guises. In terms of aerosol smoke detector testers, two obvious approvals stand out as being of importance. Firstly, approvals by third  certification bodies and secondly, approvals by detector manufacturers.


  Third  approvals are useful for the end user in determining overall safety of product, lack of adverse affect on the detector under test, and compliance with statutory regulations. However since there are few countries whose legislation requires a test product of this type to have third  approval, few have test regimes for this sort of product (an exception being Underwriters Laboratories of the US, against whose test regime SOLO aerosol smoke detector tester has been approved). However, a third  approval should only be a starting point in terms of making a decision on which product to use to test the system.

  英国SOL温感探测工具 详细解读


  英国SOL温感探测工具 详细解读


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