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  • 发布时间:2019-12-05 16:25:43,加入时间:2018年11月14日(距今2027天)
  • 地址:中国»福建»厦门:泰地海西B座1507
  • 公司:天厦(厦门)国际贸易有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:孙经理,手机:18050107813 微信:s19942709374 QQ:3257170892


  The sheer number of suppliers and contractors working on these projects—often dozens—makes a difference. While each of these suppliers and contractors has a defined work scope that is uniquely theirs, there are inherent dependencies between suppliers which can create frustration at best and schedule-busting delays at worst.


  A third and endemic issue is the use of outdated methodologies in project ution, combined with missed opportunities to utilize new technologies to reduce and eliminate work. These inefficiencies and missed value-engineering opportunities add up to significant wasted expense in terms of engineering hours and materials, as well. Tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars could be saved on every project.So what is a C-suite to do … stop investing­ Not viable for any company wishing to remain competitive and drive growth.








  专业特惠美国阿普顿APPLETON CPH-3034BC插头


  “Top Quartile companies investing in new infrastructure need the certainty of projects delivered on-time, on-budget with lower cost and lower risk,” said Jim Nyquist, president of Systems and Solutions at Emerson Process Management.

  艾默生过程管理公司(Emerson Process Management)负责系统和解决方案的总裁吉姆­尼奎斯特(Jim Nyquist)表示:“投资于新基础设施的四分之一大公司需要确保项目按时、按预算、低成本、低风险交付。”

  Eliminating cost is simply about engineering better value from every dollar spent. It comes in several forms: Three requirements for successful projects going forward are: Cost Elimination, Complexity Reduction and the ability to Accommodate Change.Elimination of redundant or unnecessary workAutomating steps in the process to reduce engineering hours.Utilization of standardized technologies to reduce customization.



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