
  • 发布时间:2022-02-27 09:10:13,加入时间:2017年11月24日(距今2389天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»潍坊:诸城东外环
  • 公司:诸城市佳品食品机械有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:高先生,手机:15908013399 微信:QQ1826136685 QQ:1826136685

袋装食品预煮机 叶菜漂烫蒸煮设备 蔬菜杀青设备厂家直销


Bagged food pre-boiling machine, vegetable-removing equipment, vegetable-removing equipment, factory-direct sale Shandong Zhuzhou is a good food machinery limited


The machine adopts high quality SUS304 stainless steel, the temperature and speed can be set according to the process requirement, the machine runs smoothly, the stainless steel belt has the characteristics of high strength, low flexibility, not easy to deform, easy maintenance, convenient maintenance of the operator, etc. Compared with the current earth method (sterilizing pool), it has the advantages of low labor intensity, less manpower, high degree of automatic control, automatic control of temperature within 98 ℃, small temperature difference between upper and lower layers, and easy control of product quality. It is an ideal equipment for vegetable food processing industry. In the food, beverage, pharmaceutical and other industries, some packaged products are required to be sterilized by water bath. The packaged product is placed on a stainless steel mesh belt with adjustable speed.Under the action of the belt, it enters the sterilizing box in sequence, after sterilizing by "high temperature water as the medium", then the belt is brought into the cooling box to cool evenly, thus meeting the sterilization requirement of the product.网带式高温杀菌流水线 巴氏杀菌机流水线 叶菜蒸煮机 袋装食品漂烫机 蒸煮漂烫机 蔬菜预煮机 叶菜杀青


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