Coaxlink PCIe 104-EMB图像采集

  • 发布时间:2019-03-07 19:38:53,加入时间:2018年03月28日(距今2259天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙华新区龙观东路1号望成大厦四楼801
  • 公司:北京众合航迅科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:王工,手机:18676667868 微信:autumn-jing QQ:1657973179

双路加强型 CoaXPress 图像采集卡



小型可堆叠的 PCIe/104 结构

扩展温度范围:-40 到 +85°C / -40 到 +185°F

持续的冲击:40 克/11 毫秒(所有轴 - 半正弦和锯齿波)


2 路CoaXPress CXP-6 连接:1,250 MB/s 相机带宽

PCIe 2.0 (Gen 2) x4 总线:传输带宽 1,700 MB/s


Form Factor PCIe/104 card

Format 4-lane PCIe/104, stack-down only, universal peripheral module

Cooling method Conduction cooling

Mounting For stacking down directly under the Host PC:

1 or 2 modules on Type 1 and Type 2 Host PC's



4-pin 0.1-in Molex KK 7478 male connector


6-pin 2-row 0.1-in header

onHD26F I/O module for Coaxlink Duo PCIeptional)

26-pin 3-row high-density female sub-D connector

GPIO lines and power output

'AB' onDINCoaxial cable for Coaxlink Duo PCIeptional)

DINfemale connectors

CoaXPress host interface

Lamp indicators

'AB' onHD26F I/O module for Coaxlink Duo PCIeptional)

2x bi-color red/green LEDs

CoaXPress Host connector indicator lamps

'FPGA STATUS LAMP' onHD26F I/O module for Coaxlink Duo PCIeptional)

Bi-color red/green LED

'BOARD STATUS LAMP' onHD26F I/O module for Coaxlink Duo PCIeptional)

Bi-color red/green LED

Switches 'RECOVERY' on card PCB:

3-pin 1-row 0.1" header

Firmware emergency recovery

Dimensions 96 mm x 90 mmn xn

Weight 75 gz without accessories

Host bus

Standard PCI Express 2.0

Link width

4 lanes

1 lane or 2 lanes with reduced performance

Link speed

5.0 GT/s (PCIe 2.0)

2.5 GT/s (PCIe 1.0) with reduced performance

Maximum payload size 512 bytes

DMA 32- and 64-bit

Peak delivery bandwidth 2,000 MB/s

Effective (sustained) delivery bandwidth 1,700 MB/s (Host PC motherboard dependent)

Power consumption Typ. 8.4 W +12V excluding I/O power output

+3.3V and +5.0V rails are not used


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