BONITO PRO X-1250可借测

  • 发布时间:2019-06-20 19:06:59,加入时间:2018年03月28日(距今2259天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙华新区龙观东路1号望成大厦四楼801
  • 公司:北京众合航迅科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:王工,手机:18676667868 微信:autumn-jing QQ:1657973179
Latest CMOS sensor CXP-6 speed PoCXP 142.6 fps at full resolution

12.5 Megapixel CMOS camera for wide temperature ranges - CoaXPress

The Bonito PRO is Allied Vision’s brand new high-bandwidth camera series with a CoaXPress interface. Equipped with four DINconnectors the camera is capable to transmit 25 Gbps via quad CXPGbps) high-speed connections. The Bonito PRO features a rugged, fan-less housing design and its powerful feature set make this camera an ideal choice for high-definition imaging applications demanding high-throughput, robustness, and system design-in flexibility. By default, monochrome models ship with no optical filter and color models ship with an IRC30 IR cut filter.

Benefits and features:

Monochrome (X-1250B) and color (X-1250C) models Extended feature set with Sequencer Control and Multiple Region of Interest selection to support advanced imaging applications On-board Defect Pixel and 2D Fixed Pattern Noise Correction for improved image quality Simplified firmware update in the field via interface cables using GenICam File Access Robust, fan-less design for industrial imaging applications Heat-dissipation optimized housing to reduce image noise Build-in tripod adapter and multiple mounting holes for eased system integration DINCoaXPress connectors for secure operation in industrial environments Single cable solution using Trigger and Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) Comprehensive I/O functionality for extended control of connected system components Available with protection glass or IR cut filter 


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