black box LS900-5M

  • 发布时间:2020-02-25 11:58:11,加入时间:2018年11月13日(距今2029天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»浦东:上海市浦东新区康桥路1100号保康大厦1204室(
  • 公司:上海欧桥电子科技发展有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:杨俊,手机:18222146321


产品描述:LongSpan Wireless Ethernet Extender, Medium-Range 900-MHz Omnidirectional 5-dBi Antenna

Further Details

to extend an Ethernet network where installing cable is impractical or prohibitively expensive, and Wi-Fi is ineffective.

Because LongSpan covers very long distances, it can provide a link where ordinary 802.11a/b/g wireless can't go. Outdoors, it has a range of up to 40 miles line of sight or up to 1500 feet through trees. Indoors, it will penetrate up to 10 building walls.

LongSpan is ideal for a wide range of applications such as:

Providing links to far-flung security cameras or door-access controls.

Linking to VoIP phones in remote locations such as security stations.

Linking interbuilding networks in a very large installation or in a rural setting such as a park.

Linking to distant sensors and controls, such as a weather station.

Extending the reach of anwireless network across a large facility such as an airport or a military base.

This product works with:

LongSpan Wireless Ethernet Extender, Indoor/Outoor Radio (LS900A)

LongSpan Security-Camera Kits (LS900-DOME-KIT, TUBE-KIT)

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