IEC62368Scope of use

  • 发布时间:2019-07-20 16:04:53,加入时间:2019年04月15日(距今1879天)
  • 地址:中国»湖南»郴州:深圳市宝安区西乡街道铁岗社区宝田一路365号嘉皇源
  • 公司:深圳市优耐检测技术有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:谭工,手机:15875543651 QQ:2316641619

This part of IECs applicable to the safety of electrical and electronic equipment within the field of audio, video, information and communication technology, and business and office machines with a rated voltage not exceeding 600 V. This standard does not include requirements for performance or functional characteristics of equipment.

NOTE 1 Examples of equipment within the scope of this standard are given in Annex A. NOTE 2 A rated voltage of 600 V is considered to include equipment ratedV. This part of IECs also applicable to:

components and subassemblies intended for incorporation in this Such

components and subassemblies need not comply with every requirement of the standard, provided that the complete equipment, incorporating such components and subassemblies, does comply;

external power supply units intended to supply other equipment within the scope of this part of IEC 62368;

accessories intended to be used with equipment within the scope of this part of IEC

This part of IEC 62368 does not apply to power supply systems which are not an integral part of the equipment, such as motor-generator sets, battery backup systems and distribution transformers.

This part of IEC 62328 specifies safeguards for ordinary persons, instructed persons, and skilled persons. Additional requirements may apply for equipment that is clearly designed or intended for use by children or specifically attractive to children.

NOTE 3 In Australia, the work conducted by an instructed person or a skilled person may require formal licensing from regulatory authorities.

This standard assumes an altitude of 2 000 m unless specified otherwise by the manufacturer.

This part of IEC 62368 does not apply to equipment to be used in wet areas. Additional requirements may apply.

Additional requirements for equipment intended for outdoor installation are given in IEC

This part of IEC 62368 does not address:

manufacturing processes except safety testing;

injurious effects of gases released by thermal decomposition or combustion;

disposal processes;

effects of transport (other than as specified in this standard);

effects of storage of materials, components, or the equipment itself;

the likelihood of injury from particulate radiation such as alpha particles and beta particles;

the likelihood of thermal injury due to radiated or convected thermal energy;

the likelihood of injury due to flammable liquids;

the use of the equipment in oxygen-enriched or explosive atmospheres;

exposure to chemicals other than as specified in Clause 7;

electrostatic discharge events;

environmental aspects;

requirements for functional


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