
  • 发布时间:2019-08-26 18:50:49,加入时间:2019年07月03日(距今1800天)
  • 地址:中国»江苏»苏州:吴江开发区运东大道1088号
  • 公司:图兹智能装备(苏州)有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:韦经理,手机:18115669758 微信:tuzz-door 电话:0512-87814969 QQ:1418846916





Aluminum alloy wind-resistant roll-curtain door, also known as European wind-resistant roll-curtain door, European wind-resistant roll-curtain door, aluminum alloy roll-curtain door, is a new generation product developed by Tuz after years of practice. Mainly for coastal typhoon areas, inland sandstorm areas specially designed high-strength windproof doors, windproof curtain board is made of high-strength galvanized sheet cold-rolled in one time, high strength, good stiffness, strong structure, guide rail with windproof hook, to ensure that the curtain board does not break away from the guide rail in strong wind, with typhoon resistance, prying resistance, rainproof, moisture proof. It has the functions of noise isolation, cold protection, heat preservation, sun protection, wind and sand protection, and is suitable for any construction field.

The difference between anti-wind rolling curtain door and factory translation door: before, most of the factory used translation door, the groove under the door often affected the entry and exit of vehicles and personnel, and was easy to be stuffed by garbage, affecting the sliding of the door, the door is bulky, manual opening and closing is very laborious, it is difficult to install electric devices. It is easy to be blown out by strong wind when using ordinary curtain doors, which will affect the whole building structure and bring inconvenience and unnecessary economic losses to users.

In order to solve this problem, the current rolling shutter industry has introduced this kind of high-strength color steel belt wind-resistant electric rolling shutter door with wind hook. Advantages of color steel belt windproof rolling curtain door: windproof hook can effectively hook the guide groove in the guide groove to prevent the rolling curtain from grooving under strong wind pressure. The windproof hook will rebound smoothly when the curtain door is rolled up, which has no effect on the curtain door roll up. It has many functions such as strong wind resistance, anti-prying, noise isolation and so on. It has the functions of convenient electric remote control and low repairing rate.

TUZZ Tuz brand, high-end brand of industrial curtain door, leading product technology and services, after-sales service is guaranteed.




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