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  • 发布时间:2019-09-26 19:01:18,加入时间:2019年07月31日(距今1782天)
  • 地址:中国»四川»成都:金牛万达甲级写字楼
  • 公司:四川煜炜泰拍卖有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:甘经理,手机:16608056032

奉天省造光绪元宝,钱币正面珠圈内镌满文及“光绪元宝”四字,左右镌“癸卯”二字,珠圈外上端铸“奉天省造”四字,下端镌“库平七钱二分”六字。钱币背面内圈镌蟠龙图,外环镌英文,两旁镌小花饰。龙纹流畅清晰,龙鳞细腻优美,线条顿挫有力,龙眼炯炯有神,威武霸气,形象生动,仔细一看,犹如一幅神龙翱翔天际的油画,无比瑰丽,异常精美,让人看了无不叹为观止,爱不释手。Fengtian Province created Guangxu Yuanbao, the coin in front of the bead circle and the "Guangxu Yuanbao" four characters, the left and right 镌 "癸卯" word, the upper end of the bead circle cast "Fengtian Province" four characters, the lower end 镌 "Kuping seven The money is divided into two characters. On the back of the coin, there is a circle inside the dragon, the outer ring is in English, and the small flowers are on both sides. The dragon pattern is smooth and clear, the dragon scale is delicate and beautiful, the lines are powerful and powerful, the longan is sturdy, the mighty domineering, the vivid image, and a closer look, like a painting of the dragon flying in the sky, very magnificent, very beautiful, let people watch it all. I can't put it down.







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