
  • 发布时间:2019-10-22 09:19:13,加入时间:2018年10月31日(距今2045天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»广州:广州市花都区商业大道241号(118创意园C栋)汉
  • 公司:汉皇(广州)图像技术有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:劳女士,手机:13318877692 微信:hhtx188188 电话:020-86788586 QQ:1700253881





最后,计算一天机器可以赚多少钱。最多精度为每小时3平方米,一平方米收纳180元,一间三居室可容纳20平方米的墙面,不到8小时即可完成。颜料的成本为60元,电力由业主使用。 20平方米X180元-60元=3540元,这是每天低价3540元。不必回到这一个月。所以这就是为什么这么多手绘公司会购买壁画机的原因,而且这里有利润,这是一个很好的趋势和发展。 







How much profit does the wall painter have- What is the price of one square for wall painters- What are the advantages of wall painters over traditional hand paintings- Most people want to know this question.

Traditional hand-paintings are divided into decorative paintings and outdoor paintings. The price of hand-paintings has always been very high in the market, because labor costs are relatively expensive. The price of wall machines is much lower than that of hand-painted ones. As far as our home decoration is concerned, murals tend to be high-end, and the price is generally aroundyuan. Some senior hand-painted masters draw a picture of more than 1000 yuan. They must have artistic talent. The entry threshold is very high, and the construction process is complex. The time spent on the first draft, second draft, type, coloring, modification and painting is quite a lot of energy, which is a worthy item. Objectives. The speed of painting varies from person to person, and there is uncertainty. For example, if the hand painter has something at home or is sick and rested, the construction period will be delayed. In addition, the speed of hand-drawing is relatively slow, generally 4-8 square meters per day. Lack of precision is not exquisite. The cost of hand-painted pigments is 2-10 yuan per square meter. Here, a person can draw 4 square meters a day to calculate how much money he can make a day. A person can draw 4 square meters a day, the cost of painting is 40 yuan, 200 yuan per square meter, 760 yuan per day, but not necessarily every day can receive live.

Wall painters draw murals more easily into ordinary people's homes, and can be accepted by ordinary people, so its market size is larger than high-end hand-painted, receive more lists. On the other hand, the price of machine paint isyuan lower than that of hand-painted paint. The printing height of Hanhuang wall painting machine is 3 square meters per hour (the highest accuracy). If it is in high-speed mode, it can reach 40 square meters per hour. The biggest difference between machines and people is that they don't need to eat, sleep or get sick. It can be built for more than ten hours a day, and the machine structure does not require tedious preliminary drafts. Customers can choose pictures directly, or they can provide pictures they like, or even take pictures with their mobile phones. After simple beautification, input into the machine, will be printed directly, and then people do not need to control the machine again, waiting for the machine to complete the drawing, the accuracy of machine printing is higher than manual painting, and even jade carving, relief, three-dimensional graphics can be printed.

It is impossible to draw by hand.

Finally, calculate how much a machine can make a day. The highest accuracy is 3 square meters per hour, 180 yuan per square meter. A three-bedroom can accommodate 20 square meters of wall. It can be completed in less than 8 hours. The cost of the pigment is 60 yuan, and the electricity is used by the owner. 20 square meters Xyuan = 3540 yuan, which is the lowest 3540 yuan per day. You don't have to go back to this month. So that's why so many hand-painted companies will buy murals, and there are profits, which is a good trend and development.

Daily Maintenance Guidelines for Wall Spray Drawing Machines

1. Clean up the dust ink on the surface of the equipment.

2. Clean printing platform, car bottom (e.g. ink adsorbed on the bottom in spray printing, spray-painted cloth wool).

3. Clean the illumination lamp lens and the filter screen of the flash-absorbing fan (can be cleaned by wetting the cotton swab with the cleaning liquid).

4. Printing test of sprinkler head is cleaned on and off machine.

5. Clean and moisturizing tray, adhere to the daily use of clean cleaning fluid and new non-woven maintenance.


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