广州交通隔离安全防护栏 佛山市政道路防行人穿越护栏

  • 发布时间:2019-10-18 16:35:49,加入时间:2019年06月13日(距今1818天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»广州:广州市白云区黄石西路268号
  • 公司:广东中护围栏工程有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:蔡小姐,手机:13392454471 微信:GZHL121300 电话:13570909577 QQ:380834939

Guangzhou traffic isolation safety fence Foshan municipal road pedestrian crossing guardrail



Municipal guardrail is a protective fence in the middle of the road, which is set to prevent pedestrians and vehicles from crossing the road without complying with traffic rules, so as to provide safety guarantee for pedestrians and vehicles. Municipal guardrail has the characteristics of anti-corrosion, anti-aging, sun resistance, weather resistance, etc.

Anti corrosion form: electroplating, hot plating, plastic spraying, plastic dipping.


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