
  • 发布时间:2019-10-23 10:18:09,加入时间:2018年08月17日(距今2117天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»杭州:滨江区江陵路88号9座8楼
  • 公司:杭州诺莫检测技术有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:伍女士,手机:18058129651 微信:N18058129651 电话:0571-28906692 QQ:1375837329

This new version implies, among other things, some changes on labelling such as declaration of nano materials, name of the product in Arabic (in addition to product function), and also amendment of the annexes according to EU


The 2016 version is not yet enforced. Its enforcement and grace period will be announced through a circular once approved by SFDA.


GSCosmetic Claims - New


•The new regulation is in line with EU common criteria but also includes a list of unacceptable claims.


Reminder: SFDA eCosma Notification System for Cosmetic Products.

提醒:化妆品SFDA ecosma通知系统。

Since 2015, eCosma product listing has gradually become compulsory, depending on product category.


From October 1st 2016, all cosmetic and perfumery products have now become subject to mandatory notification.


Please be reminded that notification numbers must be provided for Certificate of Conformity issuance.


NormalTCI continues to be able to help you understand the latest market access regulations in Saudi Arabia.


Contact us now for further details and assistance in meeting the requirements for exporting of Cosmetics to Saudi Arabia.



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