
  • 发布时间:2024-04-27 02:29:28,加入时间:2014年11月07日(距今3458天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»杭州:浙江省杭州市余杭区良渚街道安溪工业园1号
  • 公司:杭州茗行科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:叶经理,手机:13666611104 微信:f13666623190 电话:0571-13666611-104 QQ:2223689288

请联系生产厂家叶经理 、要水泥外墙挂板、要木纹外墙挂板、要外墙装饰板、要PVC外墙挂板、要外墙材料、要轻质外墙挂板、要轻质外墙隔墙板、要硅酸钙板、要新型轻质隔墙板、



易构水泥木纹板采用 北美进口纤维原木浆、水泥、石英砂经抄取、压制、高温高压蒸汽养护制成、高密度、低吸水率、木纹精致清晰、度、高耐久性、防水、防火、防腐、防虫蛀、隔热保温,装饰效果好等特点。

Please contact the manufacturer, Mr. Ye, for cement exterior wall hanging board, wood grain exterior wall hanging board, exterior wall decoration board, PVC exterior wall hanging board, exterior wall material, lightweight exterior wall hanging board, lightweight exterior wall partition board, calcium silicate board, new lightweight partition board,

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The wood grain cement board is the panel, may apply: the wooden house, the toilet, the resort, the light steel villa, the motel, the civilian dormitory, the villa, the leisure farm, the roof, the modelling wall, or other indoor and outdoor decoration engineering.

Easy structure cement wood grain board adopts north American imported fiber raw wood pulp, cement, quartz sand by copy, pressing, high temperature and high pressure steam curing, high density, low water absorption rate, wood grain fine and clear, degree, high durability, waterproof, fire prevention, corrosion prevention, insect moth prevention, heat insulation insulation, good decorative effect and other characteristics.


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