
  • 发布时间:2021-03-02 16:17:29,加入时间:2014年05月08日(距今3680天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»杭州:西湖区西溪世纪中心2号楼818室
  • 公司:杭州瑞诺标准技术服务有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:helen,手机:13575453060 电话:0571-28102211

This standard(Part1) prescribes the requirements, method of sampling and test for safety glass meant for general purposes, such as for use in architectural purposes, furniture, display boards, railway coaches, earth movers,lighting fixtures, parts and components of appliances, equipments and machines etc. 本标准(第1部分)规定了用于建筑、家具、展板、铁路客车、推土机、照明器材、电器、设备和机器的零部件等一般用途的安全玻璃的要求、抽样和测试方法。

This standard applies to safety glazing intended for installation as windscreen,window. Panes on Category M,N,A(fitted with cabin),C(fitted with cabin),Combine Harvester and L( with bobywork at least partially covering  the driver) vehicles as defined. In IS 14272:2011” Automotive. Vehicles-Types-Terminology concerning the Classification. Of vehicles to the exclusion of glazing for lighting and lightsignaling devices and instrument panels,glazing which are fitted on the body for aesthetic purpose and are not in driver’s forward field of. Vision, plastic window of soft top vehicles and bullet resistant glazing,In the case of double windows,each pane is considered a separate item of glazing. 本标准适用于计划安装在M类、N类、A类(配备驾驶室)、C类(配备驾驶室)、联合收割机和L类(车体至少部分覆盖驾驶员)车辆上作为挡风玻璃、窗户、窗格的安全玻璃(车辆定义见IS 14272:2011汽车-关于分类的车辆类型术语)。车辆照明和灯光信号装置及仪表板的装配玻璃,装在车身用于美学目的且不在驾驶员前方视野范围内的装配玻璃,软顶车的塑料窗和防弹玻璃排除在外。如果是双窗,每个窗格被认为是玻璃的一个独立单元。


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