
  • 发布时间:2024-04-26 15:50:47,加入时间:2020年06月14日(距今1456天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»东莞:广东省东莞市长安镇德政中路239号407室
  • 公司:东莞市润华国际物流有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘生,手机:19871507086 微信:LHCzlh99nw 电话:0739-74084439 QQ:2775776829

Dear foreign friends


We are an international freight forwarder logistics company from China. As I am familiar with Chinese, considering the inconvenience of telephone communication, I hope you can provide social account, such as wechat and QQ. Here are my contact information and communication.

The company provides goods export services, which can be exported to the United States, Vietnam, Russia, Poland, Australia, and other countries. It also provides customs clearance channels for sea, land and air logistics special lines, and double clearance tax to the door, providing international logistics convenience for foreign purchasing friends. The company can export pure battery, hand sanitizer, chemical powder, food liquid, chemical liquid, cosmetics, etc. to other countries. Thank you for your careful reading. If you need to send international express packages, please contact my wechat, and hope to have the opportunity to become your long-term partner in China. We look forward to your adding my wechat to send goods to me. The company will provide you with high-quality international logistics services.


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