
  • 发布时间:2023-11-04 10:24:59,加入时间:2019年04月16日(距今1873天)
  • 地址:中国»河南»郑州:河南郑州二七区
  • 公司:河南景隆钢铁有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:杨经理,手机:13676929213 微信:y13676929213 电话:0136-76929213 QQ:1262142514











15MnV steel plate belongs to low alloy high strength structural steel, is on the basis of carbon structural steel, participate in a few alloying elements developed, formerly known as general low alloy steel.

15MnV steel Plate Features:

the strength is higher than carbon structural steel, then can reduce the structure weight, save steel;

It has satisfactory plasticity, endurance and excellent welding function;

Excellent corrosion resistance and low cold - brittle change in temperature.

15MnV steel Plate specification :GB/T699-1988

15MnV steel plate applicable scope:

High strength and hardenability 15MnV, plastic medium machinability good cold deformation, but poor weldability.It is advisable to use after tempering.For swivel shaft. Bolts.Nuts, screws, mandrel, etc.Gears are used for making bolts, nuts, levers and so on in medium machinery.It has a hardenability of slightly more than 40 steel.After heat treatment, strength.Hardness. Slightly higher tolerance than 40 steel, moderate cold deformation plasticity, good machinability, low weldability, overheating sensitivity and temper brittleness, water quenching easy crack.Suitable for fatigue resistance

Difference between 15MnV and 20MnV:

Both materials are attributed to high quality carbon structural steel, the primary difference is the different carbon content, other components are the same.The difference of carbon content is directly related to data function.When capable of forming a cold deformation of 15Mn, the capable of intermediate machinability is good, but the capable of welding is poor.It is advisable to use after tempering.For shafts, bolts and nuts.Screw shaft teeth are also used for making bolts, nuts, levers and so on in medium machinery.A 20Mn carbon structural steel can be applied under the condition of normalizing; it can also be applied under the condition of quenching and tempering.Good machining function, poor plastic welding function in cold deformation.Used for making parts that accept fatigue load, such as shaft roller and screws, nuts under high stress, low weldability, overheat sensitivity and temper brittleness easy crack.Suitable for fatigue resistant crankshaft roller shafts.The connecting rod.



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