
  • 发布时间:2020-12-30 10:43:33,加入时间:2020年03月14日(距今1540天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»浦东:上海市浦东新区张杨路3611弄6号907、906室
  • 公司:万享供应链管理(上海)有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:杨胜男,手机:18402109510 微信:y18055732268 电话:020-61762356 QQ:1811392499


The reason why avocado is so popular in the international market is inseparable from its nutritional value. Ripe avocado is not only rich in vitamins, but also contains fat, protein, etc., its potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium and other contents are also very high, and the avocado can also protect the liver, protect the uterus, anti-aging, and also has the effect of breast enhancement



Key points: Determine whether the product is allowed to enter, whether the factory is registered in China, and whether the factory's products are registered


Customers need to provide: country of origin, product name, our company inquires whether import is allowed


Customer needs to provide: factory name or registration number, our company inquires whether import is allowed

4. 提前办理进境动植物检验检疫许可证,建议办理成功在发货

Apply for entry animal and plant inspection and quarantine permit in advance


Provided domestically

1. 营业执照扫描件(盖章) Scanned copy of business license (stamped)

2. 空白盖章纸 Blank stamped paper

3. 报关报检委托书及报关报检十位代码 Customs declaration and inspection power of attorney And ten digits of customs declaration

4. 无纸化签约 Paperless signing




Before import: provide us with product information and help you to do product review (whether ingredients can be added, whether foreign language packaging complies with laws and regulations, and what documents are needed)


Provided abroad

1. 箱单 packing list

2. 合同contract

3. invoice

4. 植检证 Phytosanitary Certificate

5. 产地证 Certificate of Origin

6. 外文标签及翻译件 Foreign language labels and translations

7. 成分表 Ingredient list

8. 提单 Bill of Lading


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