
  • 发布时间:2021-06-29 09:39:55,加入时间:2021年05月14日(距今1116天)
  • 地址:中国»北京»门头沟:北京市门头沟区莲石湖西路98号院5号楼703室G1
  • 公司:北京麦迪森科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
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Allectra高频真空馈通 法国巴黎萨克雷大学(Université Paris-Saclay)固体物理实验室的Massee博士在变频测试实验中采用Allectra高频真空馈通(242-SMAD27G-C40),完全符合客户期望和实验要求。


Massee博士指出:"我们需要在1-30 GHz范围内进行变频测量,并希望在此频率范围内,馈通的传输率保持相对恒定。如果不是,就很难解释变频测试的实验数据。"

We are always interested to learn how our components are being used by our customers to advance their research.
We recently heard from Dr Freek Massee at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Saclay who needed a high frequency feedthrough to perform frequency dependent measurements. After he tried the Allectra 242-SMAD27G-C40 and confirmed it met his expectations, he bought three.
“We would like to perform frequency dependent measurements in the 1-30 GHz and wanted to make sure that the transmission of the feedthrough is relatively constant in this range. If it had not been, it would have been very difficult to interpret the frequency dependent experimental data”, said Dr Massee.Dr Massee and his team are planning to carry out some research later this year looking at single spin manipulation using GHz radiation. 



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