Agilent E4980AL安捷伦LCR仪表

  • 发布时间:2021-07-17 14:56:31,加入时间:2014年05月09日(距今3677天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市宝安区沙井工人路广新生商业大厦
  • 公司:深圳市捷威信电子仪器有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:谭会艳,手机:13145876435 微信:lcxtan 电话:0755-29791662 QQ:2474380117

Agilent E4980AL安捷伦LCR仪表

Agilent E4980AL安捷伦LCR仪表


20 Hz 至 300 kHz、500 kHz 或 1 MHz

0.05% 基本精度(中/长)

高分辨率 7 位 LCD 显示屏

12 ms 测量速度

开路/短路/负载补偿和电缆长度校正 (1/2/4 m)





The Agilent E4980AL is the low frequency model of the Agilent E4980A precision LCR meter. The Agilent E4980AL provides the best combination of accuracy, speed and versatility for a wide range of impedance measurements. The Agilent E4980AL features exceptionally low noise at both low and high impedance to improve test quality (e.g. 0.05% basic accuracy, O/S/L compensation, test cable extension), Fast speed and measurement versatility to reduce cost of test as well as to accelerate the development cycle (e.g. 12 ms speed, list sweep, DC bias), and a Wide variety of options (including upgrade options) and over 20 accessories (e.g. material meas., SMD/leaded device meas.) to maximize the investments The equivalent series resistance (ESR) of capacitors is becoming smaller and smaller to meet high-speed and low power-consumption circuit needs; and is difficult to measure.

Agilent E4980AL 提供卓越的测量稳定性。片式电容器的电容值现在已降至飞法拉 (fF) 范围。因此,需要非常稳定和准确的高阻抗测量才能获得更高的产量和设计可靠性。Agilent E4980AL 超越了安捷伦 HP 之前的行业标准 LCR 仪表(安捷伦 4284A),进一步提高了这些小电容设备的测量稳定性。


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