
  • 发布时间:2021-09-29 12:04:43,加入时间:2018年11月06日(距今2033天)
  • 地址:中国»江苏»盐城:东台市新街镇新角路50号
  • 公司:东台市新街镇春飞船用设备经营部, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:施春飞,手机:13382477406 电话:0515-85754676 QQ:309491625
  • 报价:1234/个


关键词:MD-550AUTO型信号 MD-550AUTO型分配器 船用信号分配器










    K1-2置OFF; K1-3、K1-4置ON)(为默认接法)



232 信号), (拨码开关:1-2置OFF; 3-4置ON)

NMEA Distributor (MD-550AUTO)

The Distributor will amplify the NMEA signal independently and assign to other devices,which signal is up to the

IEC62216 standard.

Main features

•Power isolation

•High-speed, it applies to the signal of 115200 Baud rate

•Input signal isolation

•Each signals output is amplified independently

•It can be divided into two signals to use, and the two signals are amplified independently.

(It means it will be divided into two independent distributor.)

Connection 1:

Dual input and automatic conversion. A total of 16 output signals. If the first one is no signal, it will convert to the second one automatically. Connection: (DIP switch: Kl-1、Kl-2 OFF; Kl- 3、KI-4 ON)(Default connection)

Connection 2:

Use as two independent distributor(For example: If the first one is connected the signal of GPS, the other one is connected the signal of AIS, each port will be output 8 signals of RS-422 and RS- 232)(DIP switch: Kl-1. K1・2ON;K1・3、KI-4 OFF)


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