现浇防撞墙模具结构说明 模具加工

  • 发布时间:2021-12-02 10:13:08,加入时间:2021年11月27日(距今922天)
  • 地址:中国»河北»保定:河北省保定市莲池区百楼乡头台村村北
  • 公司:保定建信模具制造有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:冉经理,手机:18703120599 微信:jxmjcj QQ:1151634174


The current cast-in-place anti-collision wall mould is composed of steel plates and panels. The material specifications used in different models of the mould are also different. Like some steel moulds of relatively large size, the material specifications used by the mould are higher, so make out of the mold price as a whole to be more expensive. In the selection of molds for production, should choose the appropriate model to process production, so as to ensure that the prefabricated parts produced is standard, can be better used in the project.


Like other molds, the cast-in-place crash-proof wall mold can be split, because the overall model of this mold is larger, so in the production of the mold he made a detachable design. So in the demoulding time, just need to take apart the mold to be able to take out the prefabricate good home, will not cause harm to the mold, but also to ensure that the production of preform integrity beautiful. For a mold with a length of one meter or so, he would use a 4 mm thick panel and then weld a 5 mm stiffener on the outside to make the mold, while for a 2 m cast in place wall mold, he would use a 5 mm or 6 mm panel to make the mold, welded outside of the RIB plate specifications will be higher, can be a good guarantee of the hardness and strength of the mold, so in the choice of time should choose the right mold processing.


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