
  • 发布时间:2021-12-04 08:41:56,加入时间:2021年11月27日(距今922天)
  • 地址:中国»河北»保定:河北省保定市莲池区百楼乡头台村村北
  • 公司:保定建信模具制造有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:冉经理,手机:18703120599 微信:jxmjcj QQ:1151634174


Accropode block Formwork - Accropode block steel formwork - detailed introduction is a detailed summary from the shape, size and other aspects of the formwork

Firstly, the shape of the formwork is not fixed, such as the four legged hollow blocks often seen in the Bohai Sea

Twisted I-shaped block and twisted King shaped block belong to a kind of wave proof stone, and the number of twisted King shaped blocks is very large in the production of wave proof stone prefabricated parts

In addition, the project leader can communicate with the template making factory according to his real engineering needs to make a template that meets his own needs

Project standard Accropode template, and then use the template to make Accropode.


Accropode Formwork - the dimensions of Accropode steel formwork are not fixed, and the dimensions are generally described according to one set

Often make specific dimensions of 1.1m * 1.1m or 2.5m * 2.5m or 1.8 * 1.8 and 2.3 * 2.3. Project leader

It can be produced according to its own real engineering needs, and special designers can design specific design drawings

After that, the production personnel of the formwork production factory shall carry out the production, but the selection of the formwork production factory must be reasonable

The selection of can be compared in many aspects, such as the technology of cutting steel plate in the factory and the quality of formwork made by the factory

Whether the price of the template is reasonable or not is compared in detail, and then selected to produce the template

The service life of the concrete will be very long, and the molding of the fabricated concrete precast parts will also have a certain guarantee.


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