高速安全岛模具加工 预制生产 建信模具

  • 发布时间:2021-12-06 08:41:25,加入时间:2021年11月27日(距今917天)
  • 地址:中国»河北»保定:河北省保定市莲池区百楼乡头台村村北
  • 公司:保定建信模具制造有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:冉经理,手机:18703120599 微信:jxmjcj QQ:1151634174

安全岛模具主要是应用在我们的高速工程的建设当中,通过该模具生产出来的收费岛用于我们的高速路口当中,该模具整体使用起来比较方便,生产出来的混凝土制块成型效果非常的好,呈现一个帆状,样式比较独特。该模具整体生产比较简单,样式没有太多的变化,规格变化可以根据客户的设计图纸来进行定制。The Safe Island mould is mainly used in the construction of our high-speed projects. The Toll Island produced by the mould is used in our high-speed intersections. The overall use of the mould is relatively convenient, the production of concrete block molding effect is very good, showing a sail-shaped, more unique style. The overall production of the mold is relatively simple, not too many changes in style, specifications can be customized according to the customer’s design drawings.


The mode of production is a modular steel mold that can be either cast on site or fabricated to produce a toll island. The top of the safety island mould is a cone, which can play a good role in preventing collision, and can play a better buffer role when the vehicle hits the toll island, so that the speed of the vehicle will be reduced, and the cutting edge of the mold design can also make the toll station and the driver better observe each other, so that the front of the field of vision more open. The mould is usually divided into two parts: the head of the island and the tail of the island. When the mould is manufactured, it needs to be assembled and used. After comparing the position of the installation, the concrete can be poured and the mould can be vibrated, so that the internal slurry fully condensed together, the density increases to form a more perfect concrete block on the completion of the production task


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