道路防撞墙钢模具的性能 说明介绍 建信

  • 发布时间:2021-12-06 08:43:18,加入时间:2021年11月27日(距今922天)
  • 地址:中国»河北»保定:河北省保定市莲池区百楼乡头台村村北
  • 公司:保定建信模具制造有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:冉经理,手机:18703120599 微信:jxmjcj QQ:1151634174


道路防撞墙模具介绍主要是用来生产我们的公路两边用来保护我们整个道路的防撞墙的生产工具,一般采用的是两块钢板通过对拉螺栓进行固定的生产方式。使用对拉螺栓的制作费用还比价低。对拉螺栓自成一套零件,存放时可以安装好一起进行存放,不容易丢失。MOULD DESCRIPTION: Road Crash Wall mould description is mainly used to produce our road on both sides of the crash wall used to protect our entire road production tools, it’s usually made of two steel plates held together by mode of production bolts. The production cost of using pull bolts is lower than the price. The pull bolt is a set of parts, when stored can be installed together for storage, not easy to lose.



Mould performance: The manufacture of the Steel Mould for the road anti-collision wall is relatively simple, and the assembly is relatively simple, the demoulding is relatively easy, the steel mould will not be damaged, and the service life of the mould for the road anti-collision wall can be effectively extended, to make the overall shape of the concrete members more beautiful. After using road crash wall molds, we need to use natural curing mode of production to maintain the concrete blocks


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