
  • 发布时间:2024-03-17 00:00:00,加入时间:2017年03月23日(距今2631天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:宝安区西乡臣田工业区定博智中心B栋603
  • 公司:深圳市展嵘电子有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:王生,手机:18620352581 微信:windy1527 电话:0755-27783459 QQ:305702721

5V2A降压ic ETA8120 无缝替换SY8120

18V, 2A, High Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down Converter in SOT23-6



ETA8120 is a wide input range, high-efficiency and high

frequency DC-to-DC step-down switching regulator, capable of

delivering up to 2A of output current. With a fixed switching

frequency of 500KHz, this current mode PWM controlled

converter allows the use of small external components, such

as ceramic input and output caps, as well as small inductors.

ETA8120 also employs a proprietary control scheme that

switches the device into a power save mode during light load,

thereby extending the range of high efficiency operation. An

OVP function protects the IC itself and its downstream system

against input voltage surges. With this OVP function, the IC can

stand off input voltage as high as 19V, making it an ideal

solution for industrial applications such as LCD TV, Set Top

Box, Portable TV, etc.

ETA8120 is available in SOT23-6 package.

 Wide Input Range: 4.2V-18V

 High Efficiency PFM mode at light load

 Capable of Delivering 2A

 No External Compensation Needed

 Current Mode Control

 Thermal Shutdown and UVLO

 Excellent Load and Line Transient Response

 Available in SOT23-6 Package



 Set Top Box

 Portable TV



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