艾堡森铅硼聚乙烯板 leaded boron po

  • 发布时间:2023-02-27 10:15:35,加入时间:2023年02月22日(距今466天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»德州:陵城区陵边路东侧中段
  • 公司:艾堡森(德州)新材料有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:汤,手机:15621265087 微信:Abosn-L QQ:1573629348
  • 报价:60/平方米

艾堡森铅硼聚乙烯板 leaded boron polyethylene board


Product name: leaded polyethylene board, leaded boron polyethylene board, boron polyethylene board

产品特性:铅硼聚乙烯板综合了铅、硼的特性,是新型的防辐射 屏蔽中子、防伽马射线替代材料。

Product characteristics: the lead-boron polyethylene board produced by shandong hongbao chemical co.


Product advantages: lead boron polyethylene board with light weight, small volume, corrosion resistance.


Application: widely used in nuclear power, nuclear power, space radiation protection, military, aerospace, medical and other fields.


Product specification and content: our company can customize the content of lead and boron according to customer's requirements.


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