德国安度实计量泵Smart digital计量泵

  • 发布时间:2024-01-02 13:09:28,加入时间:2011年08月07日(距今4660天)
  • 地址:中国»江苏»苏州:苏州新区
  • 公司:苏州嘉润环保科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘工,手机:13646211830 微信:jiliangbeng 电话:0512-69233781 QQ:2407729459

DDC6-10    DDC9-7     DDC15-4

上海 | 江苏 | 浙江 | 安徽 | 福建 | 江西 | 山东 | 山西| 湖北 | 湖南 | 广东 | 广西 | 海南 | 重庆 | 四川 | 贵州 | 云南

流量范围:0.47-940L/H. 投加流量精度:<1%,德国原装进口.友好的界面显示可以容易地操作泵,仅仅用几个按钮,就能通过菜单来使用标准控制功能,包括脉冲,模拟量,定时,批投加和排气控制,以及标定和更多的功能.流量调节比率:1:800,由于调节比率10倍于传统的计量泵,仅两种型号已经涵盖了从0.47L/H940L/H的量程范围.数字计量泵的独特设计既不需要外接饲服马达/变频器,又能保证平稳的投加.可调节吸入冲程到速度的75%,50%,25%来保证即便是传统计量泵难以投加的液体也能吸入和投加, 50%速度可投加的介质黏度为3000 MPAS ,1ACV, 50-60HZ,

 SMART DIGITAL DDE系列计量泵, 流量调节比:11000 

SMART DIGITAL DDC系列计量泵 流量调节比:11000

SMART DIGITAL DDA系列计量泵 流量调节比:13000

Grundfos is embarking on a new era in dosing technology with a brand new generation of pumps

Intelligent dosing pumps with new drive and adjustment mechanisms represent the ideal solution for increasingly complex dosing applications: Featuring state-of-the art drive technology, a whole new dimension in user-friendly operation and an intelligent FlowControl system, the new SMART Digital dosing pumps are extremely precise, reliable and cost-effective - combined with the best possible price-performance ratio.

The models > the perfect solution for all kinds of applications

The DDA, DDC and DDE models set new standards at dosing rates of up to 30 l/h and 16 bar. There is now a single dosing platform for both, price-sensitive and high-end applications.

The DDA model is the pump for complex and demanding applications where the focus is on maximum process reliability.

德国安度实计量泵Smart digital计量泵


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