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氟塑料 F46 美国RTP 3505 电绝缘性好

  • 发布时间:2024-04-24 14:53:42,加入时间:2013年04月15日(距今4027天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市宝安区西乡大道宝源华丰总部经济大厦11楼
  • 公司:深圳市科斯莫科技有限公司, 用户等级:银牌会员 已认证
  • 联系:严先生,手机:15818757055 微信:barret_yan QQ:986877647
FEP 3505 美国RTP
用途: 其它
重要参数: 密度:2.22 g/cm3 缺口冲击强度:160 弯曲强度:48.3 MPa 弯曲模量:4140 MPa
FEP 3583 美国RTP
用途: 其它
重要参数: 密度:2.01 g/cm3 缺口冲击强度:210 弯曲强度:48.3 MPa 弯曲模量:6890 MPa
FEP聚全氟乙丙烯FEP或者 F46,是四氟乙烯和六氟丙烯的共聚物,六氟丙烯的含量约15%左右,是聚四氟乙烯的改性材料。
Haidee answered with a heartrending expression, "Why should he understand this, my sister­ He is my master, and I am his slave; he has the right to notice nothing." 
The count shuddered at the tones of a voice which penetrated the inmost recesses of his heart; his eyes met those of the young girl and he could not bear their brilliancy. "Oh, heavens," exclaimed Monte Cristo, "can my suspicions be correct­ Haidee, would it please you not to leave me­" 
"I am young," gently replied Haidee; "I love the life you have made so sweet to me, and I should be sorry to die." 
"You mean, then, that if I leave you, Haidee" -- 
"I should die; yes, my lord." 
"Do you then love me­" 

氟塑料 F46 美国RTP 3505 电绝缘性好


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