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ADL SCL 1500压限器

  • 发布时间:2020-12-04 13:46:29,加入时间:2015年12月14日(距今3094天)
  • 地址:中国»北京»朝阳:中海安德鲁斯203-205
  • 公司:博乐中国文化, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:刘先生,手机:18600607968 电话:010-58707911 QQ:1480362713

QQ:   TEL:  项目经理:博乐

供应销售ADL全线产品!  中国代理品牌   中国总代理

The ADL 1500 Stereo Tube Compressor/Limiter is a brilliant two-channel, all-tube design, providing phenomenal dynamic range with a clear, punchy, warm sound!  Its "invisible" compression has made the ADL 1500 a very in-demand item.  Eight vacuum tubes give the ADL 1500 its unmistakable richness and depth. 
 •All tube design (no IC's or chips) Opto attenuators for "invisible" compression
•High quality transformer balanced inputs and outputs XLR input and output jacks
 •2 independent channels
•Stereo link switch on front panel
•Stereo adjust pots on front panel
•Wide dynamic range (15Hz - 30K)
•Works with unbalanced systems
•Handbuilt in the USA
•Heavy-duty chassis
•Great for analog & digital recording as well as live sound


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