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Neve 88RS Recording Conso

  • 发布时间:2020-10-06 14:14:37,加入时间:2015年12月14日(距今3092天)
  • 地址:中国»北京»朝阳:中海安德鲁斯203-205
  • 公司:博乐中国文化, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:刘先生,手机:18600607968 电话:010-58707911 QQ:1480362713

QQ:   TEL:   项目经理:博乐

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With its unmistakable Neve qualities of exquisite design, peerless craftsmanship and legendary Neve sound, the Neve 88RS continues the Neve bloodline of  consoles with a remarkable advance on anything heard before. The Neve 88RS has set new standards as the ultimate analog console and has become the signature of excellence for the world’s premier engineers, producers and studios including Abbey Road, Air Lyndhurst, The Village, Ocean Way, Skywalker and Sphere Studios.

Professionals throughout the world have chosen the full, clean sound of the 88RS console. Its high bandwidth pure audio path, superior dynamics, greater dynamic range and greater control make the 88RS the first choice for recording and mixing the purest high fidelity recordings.


With its 100kHz bandwidth, surpassing 192khz digital recording quality, and comprehensive surround capabilities, the 88RS has been engineered to deliver recordings at the best conceivable quality onto any format at any sample rate, capturing all the energy and atmosphere of the original performance as perfectly as possible.

Central to the ground-breaking technology utilized within the 88RS is a completely new electronic and mechanical design. Though based on classic Neve attention to audio quality, ergonomics and mechanical detail, the 88RS takes advantage of the latest analog technology.

The addition of the stem mixer and eight track scoring panel confirms the 88RS's position as the ultimate console of choice for scoring, music recording and mixing.

Control Surface

The 88RS uses a conventional in-line recording console architecture extended to address the evolving needs of the 21st century studio, in particular those of surround sound production. The no compromise design is linear from start to finish, with no VCAs even in the monitor section. Users of the Neve V-Series and other high-end analog consoles will immediately be at home with the control surface.


The 88RS is supplied with the groundbreaking Encore Plus automation system as standard. Encore Plus brings the best of Flying Faders for music together with the Logic automation system for post-production, creating the ultimate music and music-for-picture automation system.

•Designed for full surround from the ground up
•The clearest pure signal path with NO VCAs
•Motorized large and small faders
•Encore Plus automation
•AFL surround solo monitor
•Latest VCA technology for low noise and excellent low level distortion
•Overpress PFL on each channel fader
•Four main output faders, L/R, C, S, and LS/RS
•Fader starts on all channel faders, all VCA group faders and all output faders
•Solo system defaults to safe mode
•Acoustically optimized frame
•Supplied with or without patch
•Enhanced ‘S’ channel strip
•Enhanced spectral Neve formant equalization
•Legendary Neve soft knee compression
•24 step precision volume control
•Two faders per channel strip
•Remote mic amp option
•5.1 monitoring as standard
•Audio performance beyond 24/192 digital


“The sound of the 88RS is unbelievable. It is the best sounding desk we have ever heard. It'’s a beautifully engineered, exquisitely manufactured piece of gear.”
- Jeff Greenberg (The Village)

“The best console to have ever been designed.”
- Simon Rhodes (Abbey Road Studios)


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